Speak Your Mind

Year: 2020
Agency: Havas NY
Project: AI-Generated Speech R&D

Speak Your Mind is a globally-united campaign powered by @unitedgmh demanding #MentalHealthForAll. Through their #40second petition, 20,000+ voices were collected of individuals speaking their minds on why urgent action should be taken on mental health.

Using these voice recordings as our dataset and the power of AI, I generated a synthetic speech to unite all the voices together in delivering the petition to the world and our leaders.

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The Speech


How AI generated our speech

The Speak Your Mind: Voice Petition gathered hours and hours of audio petitions. Having this incredible dataset - my methodology next was simple:

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A Voice Prototype…

With the above method, I was able to generate several speeches that all had a unique and different perspective. However - in order to give it a physical voice, I prototyped using a tool called Videogrep. It automatically strung different audio files together to deliver the synthetic speech.